Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Zu Protokoll

When she was living in Paris in 1913-14 Gertrude Stein predicted that the Germans would lose WWI based on their national character. As she wrote in The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas:

"Gertrude Stein used to get furious when the english all talked about german organisation. She used to insist that the germans had no organisation, they had method but no organisation. Don't you understand the difference, she used to say angrily, any two americans, any twenty americans, any millions of americans can organise themselves to do something but germans cannot organise themselves to do anything, they can formulate a method and this method can be put upon them but that isn't organisation. The germans, she used to insist, are not modern, they are a backward people who have made a method of what we conceive as organisation, can't you see. They cannot therefore possibly win this war because they are not modern."

1 comment:

karsten said...

Every single day I feel like grabbing one or several Germans and shaking them and screaming, "Don't you understand the difference between method and organization? DON'T YOU?"